Thursday, August 28, 2008

Yes, I am still alive...

Well, to say that the last two months have been crazy would be an understatement. We moved into our new house on the 3rd of July and it has been wonderful. So far all I have repainted has been the guest bedroom, but on the list are also, my bathroom and the living room/hall. Football season is once again in full swing. I had to stay home for the season opener and although it was rather frustrating, in the long run it will pay off. We won tonight 23-20. Hopefully that's the last close game we have this season, b/c my heart cannot handle too many games like that. For the majority of the game my heart was up in my throat.

Funny story from today...I was sitting in my kitchen at my sewing machine minding my own business, when all of the sudden I found myself in the floor. The chair that I was sitting in collapsed with me in it. Looking back I am quite sure that it was definitely a very funny sight, however, at the time, I was pretty sure that I had ripped a large section of my love handles off and was going to need surgery to stop the bleeding. However, upon closer inspection I found that I wasn't actually bleeding, it just hurt so bad, I thought I should have been bleeding! That's all I have for right now. I'll try to be better about updating.

Oh yeah, if you have little girls (and little boys) and want some cute one of a kind clothes, hollar at me and I will get you hooked up with my mom. Since retiring, she has started an online children's boutique, but I am a terrible daughter, and don't know what the address is for it!


Andy said...

I want some clothes from your mom!!!! That is so cool that she's doing that---and I'm so happy you finally updated. I check every day or 2 just to see. :)