Monday, August 30, 2010

And 2 become 3!!!!

Well, it's official, we are going to have a baby this spring. We just found out yesterday and I am only about 4 weeks, so at this point we aren't telling anyone. (Which may be one of the hardest things I have ever done!!!) We aren't going to say anything to anyone, including our families, until after my first appointment, and that is not until October 20. I am kind of bummed that we have to wait that long, but hopefully with it being football season I will be really preoccupied and have plenty of other things to think about to keep my mind busy between now and then. We are both really excited. I am still a little shell shocked I think, because this is the first month that we actually tried, and I definitely wasn't expecting it to be a one and done kind of thing. We are proof though that you can get pregnant during 2 a days!!! So far I am feeling good. No nausea yet (hoping it doesn't ever come!!!), but I am definitely a lot more tired than I normally am.

I originally didn't think I was pregnant because I had taken a test on Friday and it was negative. So I was bummed, but thought to myself, it's just one month, not that big of a deal we'll just try again in September. Well then I woke up Sunday and hadn't started my period which is VERY weird for me. I am like clock work on my cycles and have been for a long time. So while I was in Amarillo Sunday afternoon, I got some pregnancy tests from Dollar Tree (was a little nervous about using a cheap pregnancy test, but I'm sold on them now) and took one and lo and behold it was positive. I started freaking out a little bit and doing a little happy dance. Then I went with another one of the coach's wives to watch practice. I wanted so badly to tell Billy right after practice when we were walking back to campus, but I didn't b/c there were lots of players/coaches around and I wanted it to be special. (In the mean time, I have called/texted some of my dearest friends who have been praying for me about having a baby for a long time, to make sure that I remembered correctly from nursing school and that there was very little chance that a positive pregnancy test would be wrong and they have all responded with excitement and reassurance that I am in fact really pregnant.) Just to be sure before I told Billy, I took 2 more tests and they both came up positive so I VERY anxiously waited for midnight thirty when he would be home. I had made Billy this really cute picture from that says I heart daddy on the bottom of it and I was going to write something cute and put it in the frame to tell him, but I didn't get by the pottery place before it closed on Saturday, and they aren't open on Mondays so I had to come up with a plan B because I was too excited to wait until Tuesday to tell him when I could get the frame. I ran to Wal-Mart and bought as gender neutral of a onesie as I could and a little bib that says I Love Daddy on the front of it and gave them to him along with a card. He's excited and having almost as hard of time as I am not saying anything to anyone. He did tell Coach Carthel today, and then when he told Coach he couldn't say anything to anyone until October, Coach told him that that's was going to be a mighty hard secret to keep, especially because I haven't told Cindy yet!! I told a friend today, May (which is when I am due) seems so far off!!! I know that the time will just fly by, but right now it seems lightyears away!

I saw my regular family doctor today, just for a well check, and I made sure to ask her and also my OB's office about special diet concerns with the vegan diet, and from what I had written down over the last 5 days in my food journal, Dr. B. looked at it and said as long as I was taking my prenatal vitamin that I am good.

Guess since it's 11:00pm I should be hitting the sack. Kind of hard to turn the excited switch off in my brain though!!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Please be praying for our coaching friends Jake and Cali. Cali had her surgery yesterday and it took 26+ hours. She didn't go to recovery until around 11 this morning. Pray for rest and recovery for her and also that her family could get some rest today. I know they are all exhausted after the last day and a half.

Also, please continue to pray for Kodi. She is currently inpatient for chemo. So far it's going well, but she has to stay confined to her room for this round and that is hard!!!

Have a blessed hump day!

Sunday, August 8, 2010 be or not to be...

Well, it's been two weeks, and I have to say, I think it's working!!! I don't feel 100% myself again, but I definitely feel better and feel more like myself than I have in months. Hopefully this means I am making a step in the right direction. The hardest part of the week has been to pass up all the food that patients' families bring us. I have to admit that when they brought us homemade noodles and egg rolls I gave into the temptation...but then I paid for it later. I know that that will get easier with time.
This is one of my new favorite finds. It is great in oatmeal, and makes great sweet tea without as many calories.
And of course, what would summer be without lemonade in mason jars!!!!!
And one last picture just for fun. Maycee, my sister's dog, is a poser!!! You can definitely tell that her mama takes pictures of her all the time, b/c unlike my boys who don't sit still long enough for a picture, she is an angel...I took this the other day when she came to spend the night. I love her blue bows!

P.S. Friday needs to hurry up and get here!!!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Summer Rain...

The last two evenings it has rained in the evening. Just a good slow steady rain. It has been wonderful. We cracked open the windows, and enjoyed the of my favorite smells by the way...

This week has been good. I finally had some days off on Monday and Tuesday. Tuesday was just what I chill out while painting some pottery. Such a stress reliever. Then after my meeting at work, I got to go to dinner w/ Billy and the Ficklings. I can already tell that I am going to love Brittany and Sean, their 3 week old, is absolutely adorable. Then the last two nights I have had to work. I hear from Billy that sleeping has been a little rough b/c Maycee, my sister's dog, has been spending the night and she is not used to sleeping without any boundaries like the boys, so she's been a little spaz at night, but she's been just fine for me during the day!! :) Other than that, nothing to exciting going on around here. I can tell a difference with the Vegan eating. I am definitely starting to have more energy and not be as tired at work, which is nice. I work the next two nights and then have a couple of days off before it's back to the grind for 2 days and then a little vaca for me!!!!!

Oooooooooo....just heard it start sprinkling. Guess I better go let the dogs in before I have 3 mud covered puppies!!

P.S. Kodi had a great day at clinic and they got some good news concerning all of her results from her surgery last week.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Date Night!!!

Last night was my first night off since last Tuesday, and let me tell you what a glorious night off it was!!! We had dinner here at the house w/ Billy's GA and his volunteer (who's living with us for the time being), and just hung out and flipped was SO nice!!! Today I am about to head out the door to finish painting some pottery for three of my favorite ladies who I get to see in t-minus 10 days and counting!!! Then it's off to the pool to soak up some sun and then after a quick meeting at work, it's date night with the hubby and his volunteer and his wife (who currently lives in Lubbock). Hope to get some pictures of stuff to put up soon. Most exciting will be when I get to post the picture of my new spectacles!!! The guy at the eye place was pretty sure he had never even seen anyone try them on, let alone buy them!!! I'm so excited. Should be sometime this week. Happy Tuesday!!!

P.S. Kodi got to go home yesterday!!!! :)