This last picture is how we spent probably 75% of the first "session". Hannah would steal an ornament and Brady would scream. Pretty much sums up life @ our house these days. I'm just waiting for the day that he steals something from her. The world might just come to an end!!
Hannah-@ 7 months you are 17lb., 27 inches long, and your head is 17 1/4 inches. That puts you in the 50% for weight, 75% for height, and 90% for head.
You are wearing size 3 diapers and 6-9 months clothes
You wear mostly size 2 shoes as long as they are narrow enough to stay on your feet.
You LOVE to eat. Your favorites are puffs, sweet potatoes, apple sauce and peas.
You sleep 11-12 hours @ night, and you are taking 2-3 hour to hour and a half naps during the day. Just depends on how tired you are. We're trying to phase out one of the naps so that hopefully you will take two solid naps.
In true female fashion you LOVE to shop. You love to smile and talk to people as you ride around like a big girl in the cart.
You are sitting up by yourself like a pro and you are starting to pull your legs up under you some, so I have no doubt you will be crawling soon.
You still just have your 2 bottom teeth, but you have 4 coming in on the top.
You have discovered Rocky and Boudreaux and try to terrorize them every chance you can get.
Your favorite toy is still the jumper, but you and Brady discovered the wonderful world of Little People this month and those are quickly becoming favorites...word has it that Santa is planning on bringing you some...
When you are sitting in our laps, you love to flip yourself over backwards. So much so that I feel the need to warn anyone that holds you to beware of your backbends!!
You had the worst diaper rash ever this last month all thanks to a bout with strep, which won you your first antibiotic and antibiotic diaper cream.
You are a happy baby and you have such a sweet personality.
Brady-@ 7months you are also 17lb, 27 3/4 inches long, and your head is 18 inches. That puts you in the 25% for weight, 75% for height and 95% for head.
You are wearing size 3 diapers and 6-9 months clothes. If they were long enough and we could get your big head through them, you would still be wearing a long of your 3-6 months clothes b/c you are such a skinny thing.
You wear size 2 shoes and LOVE to wear them.
You are a good eater and will eat just about anything we put in front of you. Your favorites right now are blueberries, oatmeal, squash, sweet potatoes, and of course puffs.
You sleep 11-12 hours @ night also, however, if one of you is going to wake up in the middle of the night, it's you 99% of the time b/c you need your paci. You take 3 solid naps a day. We're trying to phase one of them out, but you are having a harder time with that than your sister.
You like to ride in the cart or stroller and just flash that big 'ol grin @ anybody that will pay attention. You are definitely a flirt and you LOVE to talk to anyone who will listen.
You blow the best razberries.
You are sitting up great also, however, you are totally content to just sit there. You have no desire to roll anywhere, and you are showing NO signs what-so-ever of being the least bit interested in crawling.
You just got your bottom two front teeth over Thanksgiving. And boy were you ever a slobbery mess!
You love Rocky and Boudreaux, and anytime you can get your hands on them, you do!
You love to play with anything you can chew on, but mostly whatever you sister hasn't stolen from you.
You are still my little snuggler and you love to be rocked to sleep, but will also put yourself to sleep too.
You are such a giggly little boy and so much fun to have around.
The big news around our house this week and is that thanks to a horrible stomach bug, we are now bottle free and officially on just sippy cups. Last week they were both sick so we spent several days on just pedialyte, which they got in sippy cups. So, yesterday when I started to give them 1/2 strength formula, I put it in their sippy cups to see if they would take, it and they did. So we are officially going to pack up the bottles this weekend as soon as I can get a rubbermaid tub to put them in.
Well, I guess I should get off of here and go to bed since they will be up in 5 short hours.