Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Hey ya'll--

I am needing a suggestion on something that is EASY to make in mass quantity. I need a new snack to make for our o-line guys for their Friday night meeting. I am getting tired of making the same things over and over, even though I know that they don't get tired of eating the same things all the time.

Oh--and keep in mind that I have a TINY oven, thus making it difficult to cook anything too big.


Val said...

I made these football cookies - and you don't even need an oven. They were a big hit with all the football players and I thought they were easy and fun to make. The recipe is at:

Shanan said...

I like the new blog look! I can't find you on Facebook. I keep typing in both names and nothing comes up. You might have to request me. Shanan Dunn Fowler

Are you making a meal or snacks? Do you have a crockpot....or two? What about chilli? They could have eithe chilli or frito pie or something like that. I don't know what the weather is supposed to be like, but it is supposed to be a little cooler here I think. Just a thought.

Whitney said...

Taco soup? I know it's kind of hot, but check out Shelly's blog off of mine for a good crock pot recipe (or I cook mine on the stove)... add a packet of taco seasoning and hidden valley ranch dressing seasoning (can't remember if hers had that in there)! SOOOOOO good! Especially with tortilla chips and cheese! It takes 30 minutes tops to make and you can make a ton of it! I can only imagine how much o-line guys like to eat!

I like the new blog look too... it's good to see your face!

Erin said...

We always grill hamburgers and hot dogs! It is so easy and since the grill is outside the boys usually stay outside! A great website for BIG meals is, They have some great casseroles and yummy desserts!

Erin said...

Oh the new blog, it looks great! I saw Shanan mentioned you were on facebook but she couldn't find you, I am on there also so add me as a friend as well. Erin Laabs Fryar.