Friday, October 9, 2009

Dear Sweet Gussy

Oh mylanta--I almost met Jesus face to face tonight. I walked into the AC w/ my usual batch of Friday food for the o-line guys and little did I know, they weren't in their meetings yet. When I got to the top of the stairs I was met by all of my boys. I was pretty sure I was going to be attacked, so I just surrendered the food and took off back down the stairs. Apparently they all like it, b/c Billy said that they all said it was their favorite thing I've made on Friday night so far. We'll see...Next week I'm thinking I am going to be a little more ambitious than normal. Depends on how clean my house stays this week. Well, I gotta get to bed. Have to go to the stadium early in the morning and put out our "Reserved for the CWC" signs so that we get our seats we want...we decided to put CWC instead of Coaches Wives b/c then people don't know who we are...or at least we can dream that they don't know who we are!


Val said...

I love the saved seat sign - our fans were not out in full force because of the cold temps last night so we didn't have to worry to much - but we did have our first 'The Coaches Suck' guy sitting behind us - so we may be finding different seats for next weeks game. I just laugh - but the girls don't really understand. The guy looked like he had never played a day in his life. And luckily I DO understand football and the game plan - so it is a little easier for me to see what the Coaches are really up too.